Film thoughts – Avengers: Endgame

There is a quote attributed to David Fincher, about how someone said to him during the shoot of Alien 3, “Look, you could have somebody piss against the wall for two hours and call it Alien 3 and it would still do 30 million dollars worth of business.”. Given that Infinity War brought in slightly…

Film Thoughts – Captain America: Civil War

When the audience is left waiting for several years for the next scheduled big team up, why not just use the third solo outing for one of the group and try and squeeze in as many of the team and a few others to keep things bubbling along nicely, especially at the box office tills….

Film thoughts – Avengers: Age of Ultron

So the first big team up of comic book characters from a series of successful solo films earnt over a billion dollars at the box office and overall was well received by fans and critics alike – a simple task then for returning writer and director Joss Whedon to take on with the now firmly…

Film thoughts: The Bourne Legacy

With the seemingly never ending film industry hunger for more and more sequels on top of other sequels and prequels there was something of a sense of inevitability about a fourth Bourne film appearing on cinema screens at some point, the trilogy being so successful that sheer numbers would tempt either Universal film studio and/or…