Film thoughts – Bladerunner 2049

The first thing that needs to be said about Bladerunner 2049 is that it is not a typical Hollywood blockbuster – those who go in expecting an upping of the action quotient, quickening of the pace from the methodical pacing of the original and a Gosling/Ford tag team smashing their way through adversaries left, right…

Film thoughts – Dunkirk

When it comes to making a cinematic take on a real life events, particularly those during one of the World Wars, it’s arguable that basing it around one of the most critical and successful missions or events of those conflicts is an easier job than any of those which went partly or completely and disastrously…

Film thoughts – Interstellar

When you’ve crafted one of the most highly respected, if not the most, comic book/graphic novel trilogies the question was always going to be where does Christopher Nolan go next – with a go at sitting in the Bond director’s chair looking like it will have to wait a while longer still, the next best…

Film thoughts – The Dark Knight Rises

And so finally the third instalment of Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy is upon us and cinemagoers can finally get the opportunity to see how Nolan and co take their take on the Batman story to a conclusion, satisfying or otherwise. Audiences waited to see if Nolan could pull off the relatively rare feat of crafting…