Film thoughts – Black Panther

The first thing that needs to be said about Black Panther is something that shouldn’t really need saying in the 21st century, or even the 20th, and that is that having a nearly all black cast shouldn’t be a headline making talking point. It cannot be accused of lacking confidence – years ago in the…

Film thoughts – The Last Jedi

“This isn’t going to go as you think it will” – a cautionary note spoken by Luke Skywalker that relates not just to a certain character’s expectations for her future but also a line that could be easily interpreted as aimed towards some of the Star Wars fanbase. As warmly received as The Force Awakens…

Film thoughts – War for the Planet of the Apes

Given the length of the series it’s associated to, and that it might still link into in due course, it can be easy to forget that War For the Planet of the Apes is still regarded as the third film in a trilogy, whether it’s fully rebooted or not, of which there aren’t many that…

Film thoughts – The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

When Return Of The King opened and closed The Lord Of The Rings trilogy, in what seems an age ago in itself, back in 2003 it seemed inevitable that sooner rather than later Peter Jackson would be setting his sights on a return to Middle Earth and continue committing the words of Tolkien to the…