BBC Two idents get a surprise new look

For the first time in 20 years BBC Two’s idents have undergone a revamp, with the new designs and animations all linked by being designed around emulating the central curve of the number 2. With more to be added in the future, the first set of idents have been created by a variety of designers,…

Type: Rider app

Here’s a rather nice little combination of a fonts, typography and gameplay in the form of the Type:Rider app reviewed here, looks worthy of a purchase from even non-designer types!

An Alchemy of Stone

As previously noted on here, sculpture isn’t really my sort of ‘thing’ but whilst passing the Hereford Museum and Art Gallery this past Saturday I decided to take in the “An Alchemy of Stone” exhibition currently hosted there. The pieces on display in the exhibition are the work of David England, and are based around the…

Made in the Middle craft fair

Admittedly craft fairs aren’t my “usual kind of thing” but during the rain this afternoon I went into the Hereford Museum & Gallery to have a look and see what the “Made in the Middle” exhibition had to offer, and there were several pieces that did catch my eye and I would say were worth…

Oli the Elephant – a USP Creative Case Study

Recently the work of USP Creative came to my attention, specifically their work in developing a new brand to link Alder Hey Children’s Hospital with the Alder Hey Children’s Charity. Not only is the design featured on their site but also a nice series of videos, text and graphics that takes the viewer through the…

Doug Aitken, The Source & The John Moores Painting Prize 2012

This past Wednesday I took the opportunity to take in two new exhibitions at the Tate Liverpool and at the Walker Art Gallery. Sky Arts Ignition: Doug Aitken – The Source consists of a series of videos presented by Doug Aitken featuring discussions of how creative ideas are generated in a variety of media and…

h.Art 2012

This past Saturday I took the opportunity to view some of the h.Art 2012 entries that were on display at the Hereford Museum & Art Gallery and it was an exhibition well worth spending some time visiting. The display featured a variety of local artists and varieties of artwork, from abstract paintworks to some interesting…

Time Lapse at the Hereford Museum and Art Gallery

This past Saturday I took time to view the Time Lapse exhibition by Jason Hodges currently on display at the Hereford Museum and Art Gallery. The concept of this exhibit was to recreate how the surrounding city wall of Hereford would have looked before parts of it were demolished to the present day point where comparatively…