An Alchemy of Stone

IMG_0051As previously noted on here, sculpture isn’t really my sort of ‘thing’ but whilst passing the Hereford Museum and Art Gallery this past Saturday I decided to take in the “An Alchemy of Stone” exhibition currently hosted there.

The pieces on display in the exhibition are the work of David England, and are based around the theory that the various stones around us are the holders of various memories and experiences of those who were here long before us, a kind of PVR for past memories I guess you could term it as in modern day vernacular. The exhibition itself is made of one giant illustration along one of the museum’s walls, several pieces of sculpture surrounded by a wicker cage, as well as several suspended 3D drawings, all surrounded by illustrated stories sewn onto muslin screens suspended from the museum’s ceiling.

IMG_0048The effect of the muslim sheets is that almost of a small maze or corridor for the viewer to pass through as they follow the stories hand drawn onto the sheets on the muslin, and is an interesting feature and display method, and one that draws the interest as soon as you walk through the doors of the museum. It’s also interesting that the main works of sculpture were surrounded by wicker rather than out on general display, the effect is that it does make you want to look more and seek out the details of the piece within it, although there’s maybe also a debatable point that people would like to see them more clearly having worked their way through the exhibit.

The display is hosted at the museum until the 19th June and is worth a look for anyone who is passing by, even if you aren’t taken by the idea behind the artwork it’s displayed in an interesting way and certainly worthwhile of visiting. There are a few more photos and accompanying video on David England’s own website here.

A rather sad sidenote to the visit was not only the closing of the beehive in the museum next to the exhibition due to the loss of the queen bee, but also the threat of closure that hangs over the museum and art gallery. Due to planned budget cuts by the council the Hereford Museum and Art Gallery, as well as several other libraries and museums, face the threat of closure, which would mean the loss of not only a library but also a central and convenient exhibition space for both local and national artists and exhibitions. Arts in the county have been put under pressure recently with The Courtyard Theatre facing funding issues, and in response a petition has been set up to oppose the cuts. Tough as these times can be, it would be a real shame for not just local artists and designers but for the city as a whole if resources like the museums and library were lost and the opportunities for exposure and promotion of local and national talent that they offer.

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  1. Thanks for visiting the show….(sorry, but I don’t know who you are) – it’s always good to have feedback on work that’s taken a while to produce. Interesting point about the sculpture being mainly ‘held’ behind the willow cage……I deliberated and felt that, like artifacts, they somehow became more precious when you were kept at a distance from them.

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