To paraphrase – “we don’t like our stinking badges……”

On the face of it, Bank Holiday weekend must have seemed like an ideal time to sneak out a potentially divisive change to the club’s identity by Everton – sunny weather, people more likely to be outside or on weekends away, and not really going to take too much notice of any post-season announcements. The…

An Alchemy of Stone

As previously noted on here, sculpture isn’t really my sort of ‘thing’ but whilst passing the Hereford Museum and Art Gallery this past Saturday I decided to take in the “An Alchemy of Stone” exhibition currently hosted there. The pieces on display in the exhibition are the work of David England, and are based around the…

Film thoughts – Coriolanus

At one time, anyone going to see an adaptation of one of Shakespeare’s plays could pretty well imagine the style and design of the show that was about to be put on for them. With Baz Luhrman’s modern day retelling of Romeo and Juliet however, a mainstream marker was put down to show filmmaker and…

To the Cloud……..

So it’s goodbye to DVDs and box packaging for Adobe as they’ve announced the switch to a cloud-based subscription service for it’s Creative Suite group of products, to be known as Creative Cloud from June onwards with the Creative Suite tag retired. From then on users, or more accurately subscribers will pay a monthly fee…

Dig deeper…

… of the catchphrases that anyone who has or will taken on the Insanity workout programme will be very familiar with. Insanity, for those who may not have heard of it, is a workout programme consisting of a series of workouts, performed 6 times a week across a 9 week schedule. The exercises themselves are…