h.Art 2012

This past Saturday I took the opportunity to view some of the h.Art 2012 entries that were on display at the Hereford Museum & Art Gallery and it was an exhibition well worth spending some time visiting.

The display featured a variety of local artists and varieties of artwork, from abstract paintworks to some interesting photographic compositions which provided some interesting pieces and in some cases eye catching and humorous moments. Not all of the artwork on display was successful or to my own personal taste but that is something that is inherent to any varied exhibition – my own personal favourites were in no particular order: Close Proximity by Stella Hidden, The Meeting II by Valerie McLean, The Flock by Maria Morgan, Carn Calver Triptych by Ellen Tremayne Exton, Waxworks: Fragment Collection by Jane Tudge, Arrival by Adrian Higgins and Marshlands by Ian Thompson.

The h.Art exhibitions run from Saturday 8th to Sunday 16th September 2012, and you can view more information at the official h.Art site here.

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