Time Lapse at the Hereford Museum and Art Gallery

This past Saturday I took time to view the Time Lapse exhibition by Jason Hodges currently on display at the Hereford Museum and Art Gallery. The concept of this exhibit was to recreate how the surrounding city wall of Hereford would have looked before parts of it were demolished to the present day point where comparatively…

More movie viral marketing – part 2

And now the marketing and viral campaign for The Dark Knight Rises.The campaign for the third film in the Christopher Nolan series of Batman films was highly anticipated given how well received the viral campaign for The Dark Knight was, a marketing campaign that four years on is still extremely well thought of and regarded…

More movie viral marketing – part 1

Having spent time looking at the marketing campaign for Prometheus I thought it would only be fair to look at how two of the other potential summer blockbusters are handling their promotional and marketing campaigns, namely those for The Amazing Spiderman and The Dark Knight Rises. Looking at The Amazing Spiderman first, a film which…

Website gallery updated

My website gallery has now been updated with a couple of new pieces of work, also there is a new look for the website on the way….

Film thoughts – Prometheus

Over 30 years ago now two films gave a jolt to the realms of science fiction on film leading to a myriad of rips offs and imitators alongside the sequels that followed the groundbreaking originals. These two films were of course Star Wars and Alien, both at opposite ends of the sci-fi scale in terms…